Friday, November 9, 2012

Tutorial: Tiny Tin Bedroom

I have talked about a little project I worked on. Where were we?

Yeap, I had this really cute tin from the candy store, and I added pom-poms...

The inside, I made it into a tiny bedroom for a cute little girl. Today, I will share a quick tutorial with you. If you have some tiny tin laying around the house this might be a fun project to get your hands on!

Fabric scraps for making mattress, pillow, and duvet
Felt as batting
Pom-poms, lace, trims to embellish the bedding and tin
Ribbon to make curtains, cabachon to accessorize the window treatment
paper to paste on the lid as a wall paper and window

DMC floss, thread, glue and other basic sewing items

1. I am not really going to talk about measurements here, because the tin you have is probably different size and shape than mine. Basically, you need to use your tin as a guide and pattern for this project, but don't get intimidated; it is a fairly easy and simple project.

To make the mattress, trace the bottom of the tin onto the fabric and add slightly less than 1/4" seam allowance. Because this is such a tiny project, you want the seam to be smaller too, otherwise the finished item might have bulky edges.

2. Cut out fabric to make the duvet in the same way you did step one. I wanted to use specific patterns for the duvet and pillows, so here is what I did;

The area I circled, I used for making the duvet, and the squares for making the pillows. Use the tin as a template for the duvet, trace it and cut. Also, cut out felt circles to use as batting. For the felt, you don't need to add a seam allowance.

3. Leaving some opening to turn the fabric later, sew around the mattress, duvet, and pillow. For the duvet, you need to cut off about an inch or so, so you can see the dolls little head resting. Clip off some fabric around the curve.

4. Turn the fabric inside out, press with iron. Stuff the felt batting flat, and sew the opening shut.

5. For the pillow, I sewed lace on both sides.

6. I had so much fun thinking about what to do with the duvet. I added same pom-poms I used for the lid of the tin and I even did a tiny quilting on it! :)

7. To make the "bedroom" look more real, I pasted wallpaper (scrapbook paper), window, and curtains. I melted the ends of the ribbons so they don't fray, and tied the middle with DMC floss. Again, this is such a fun part to think about what kind of paper and ribbon you want to use. Just like decorating a real room (ok, maybe that is a stretch) they can change the look of the whole room, so be serious (hehehe).

I love how it turned out, and I am looking out for more tiny tins! I handed the tin to Rachel and let her open the lid, when she looked at the inside for the first time she gasped and fell in LOVE with it, which made me so happy.

I think this will be a great stocking stuffer if you are looking for some ideas. I hope you enjoyed my tutorial. I have been working on some small projects here and there lately, those tutorials are coming up too, stay tuned! :)

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