Saturday, May 19, 2012

Tea Rose Home on Camera: Refashion It!

Note: I didn't know how much I had to be hush-hush about something like this, so I got permission from Megan to write this post. :)

Have you all heard about the new show coming out on My Craft Channel called "Refashion It!"? Talented designer and creater Megan from Brassy Apple contacted me several weeks ago about being a guest on her show.(!!!)

When I first read the email, I said "Oh my gosh!  What do I do?!"  Then, I rushed in to my bedroom to ask to Mr. Tea Rose Home what I should do.  Well, to be more specific, it was more like I was talking his head off the whole time explaining who Megan is, about the show, and her email... she wants me to be on her show!

Those of you who are close to me know this, but I am not the type that is comfortable being in front of people. Some people are natural, that is one of the talents I wish I possessed.  Chatting with small groups of people is fine, I can be myself, funny and make them laugh too.  But public speaking... going in front of a camera?  I get SO nervous.  So, usually I avoid situations like that.

While I was still talking to him, he headed to the computer room while I was still talking and following him) and sat and start reading the email, then he said; "Oh, this sounds awesome, you gotta do it."  Then he started typing a reply to Megan.  "You will do great!" with a big smile, then he walked away.

It was up to me to click "send" or delete everything he typed up and send her a no thank you reply... I sat there for a while and thought about all the reasons to say NO to this opportunity.

1. English is my second language, when I get nervous I don't know what will come out my mouth.
2. I don't look good on camera.
3. What if I get so nervous and won't be able to do the things I planned to do?
4. What if I do horribly, and it is a total disaster?

I want you to picture me sitting there, two tiny figurines on my shoulders.  One telling me all the negatives and telling me it is safe to say no and stay in my bubble.

On the other hand, the other figurine telling me:

1. Life is too short, if that's something I want to do, I should try it.
2. It's not that I don't look good on camera;  that's how I look anyways.  I am being too hard on myself.
3. Think of the reasons to say YES instead of no.
4. The only way I can grow is to kick myself out of my comfort zone and try something new.

...and so on.  After I took a deep breath, I pushed send.  I must say I had a little panicky moment right after, but I was ok.

Being such a great host, Megan answered all the questions I had and gave very clear instructions I needed to know though emails before filming day. 

The day came very quickly.  My kind friend who is a professional make-up artist came to my house and gave me a makeover, setting aside my nervousness, I was amazed with her skills and all the professional tools.  Seriously, I want her suitcase. She gave me a boost of confidence I needed that day.  Thank you so much A!

I got to the studio, and pulled out everything I needed for the show from my car.  Because I knew there is another person filming before me, I was quietly dragging the mannequin to the studio... Then there was one of my blogger friends I always wanted to meet in person Christie was standing next to Megan and smiling and waving at me!  We have been planning to just meet up the week after, but we didn't know we were both going to be on the show.   Ahh... I felt like I heard a holy chorus sound in my head, seeing her there also gave me the comfort I needed at that moment.

I am not going into the details on what I did for the show (for that, you gotta watch the show in June!).  I was so nervous, and the whole time I was on camera, I kept hearing some voices in my head like; "uh! My face just twitched, did the camera catch that? " or "Oh no, I just made a mistake in English didn't I?" or "Shoot, I skipped what I wanted to say!". But hey, I did it!  I just want to give myself  credit that I tried.

I wouldn't say I did an amazing job, but I am so glad that I said yes (I know, I know, with help from my supportive husband), it was definitely a new and amazing experience.  Big thanks to Lori and Rick, they were very friendly and fun and created a very nice atmosphere.  Meeting with Nike was also really fun too. :) 

Then Megan... She has the figure of a super model and is a very beautiful person and she has an awesome personality to go with it.  She was very down to earth, fun, and kind.  I got to know many bloggers over the years through blogging and emails, but it is always nice to meet them in person. Thank you so much Megan for even considering me to be on your show.  I really enjoyed it!

So, everyone are you ready for Refashion It!? I have a feeling that it's going to be a great show!

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